Friday, January 5, 2018

Rewrite History

"Nobody ever knows of the future of anything... but it's important to put your entire heart into anything you love... no matter the outcome. Throw in all the cards. Every time "  - @saraheiseman

Happy New Year! It's been a good while since I posted here and a lot has changed since my last March Update! So on to 2018! We're already here, but I figured I'd write something for myself. I've been thinking about the past year and all the changes that occurred, within what seems to be a very short amount of time.  I'm not someone who makes resolutions at the end of the year in preparation for the next, but 2017 was a bit crazy for me. Rather than talk about my self resolutions here, I figured I'd instead reflect on the majority of 2017. I had a lot of good moments, but it's crazy how one event (small, compared to a lot more serious situations that could have occurred) can change many aspects of your life. I had a bout where I was just down and confused about a lot of things in life. A turn of events made me re-think everything that I had already made up in my mind. I strived so hard to work towards something great and then as time went on, I felt that it was just time wasted. I realized that I spent a lot of time focused on the wrong things and I neglected my self progression as I focused my attention on something so mediocre. I was so centered in a world that revolved around one thing that is just one aspect of all of our lives. I complained about a shitty situation and stayed, but continued to hate where I was. As the year went on and life threw new opportunities my way, I set aside a lot of the uneasy feelings I had and just went with it. I followed my heart and my gut and moved on. I may still be second-guessing many of the decisions I’ve decided to take and life may still feel as if it is filled with a lot of uncertainty, but isn’t everyone's? I’ve learned to not worry so much about things that are out of my control. I can only continue to try and be the best version of me, loving and understanding of others. I’ve learned to love myself even greater than I have ever allowed myself to. I figure that as long as I focus positively, onward, the good will stay, and the bad will filter out.  I've realized a lot of things this past year and I could go on, on about things that "I've learned" in 2017 haha, but I'm won't go there. All these "changes" that I've gone through in 2017 were not easy to go through, but change rarely is right?  You just move forward. 

 Fast forward an entire year, It's now January, and I'm in a completely different space. I'm finally living in a new place with my boyfriend of 7 years and life seems to be going in the right direction. It feels good to be in a new space with someone I've looked forward to being right where I am with. I look forward to what the new year will bring. I'm keeping positive that the rest of life and uneasy feelings will just sort itself out. I'm still trying to let go of things and negativity, but I'm moving forward in faith and believe that the next year will provide an abundance of love and blessings for myself and my loved ones.

So as I started this post with a quote that I loved and found through 
@saraheiseman on Instagram, I'll end it with another,

"I wonder this time next year,  what beginning and what end waits for me, will I have accepted the things that I cannot change and will I have changed the things that I cannot accept?" - Sabrina Claudio

Also, you can check out my monthly music discoveries from 2017 on my Spotify account here:


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