Tuesday, March 14, 2017

March Update

Its been a while since I’ve posted anything on here that I’d say is “content worthy” , but I’m working on some new ideas for the blog. I’ve also been a bit busy with school and work, so finding time to update has been a little hard. Although I do have a break from school, I still have quite a lot of work and projects due soon, so I've decided to come on here and do a quick update. Personal photos & lookbooks may be lacking in the coming months mainly because I've been enjoying being BEHIND the camera, rather than in front of it (ha!)  And as some may know I do portrait photography and family photos as a side hustle, but I am now trying to expand that and steer my photo work into working with other creatives and models in my area.  Family and portrait photography is cool, but I feel a bit too limited in what I’d really enjoy doing with my photo work.

  So as I’m now on spring break, I have just a bit of time to come on the blog and update those who read it. I’ve come up with a list of current people/music/ and other things I’ve been into lately. Check them out!

1. Petra Collins ( Top Left )
    IG:  @petrafcollins

I wanted to save Perta for my upcoming Instagram Spotlight, but I think I'll just add her there again, too. My thoughts on Petra:  Um, heart eyes for dayssss for this chick haha! There's a couple of things I'm particularly loving about her & her work, as I'm sure are the same reasons why she's loved by many others. 
  1.  Her hustle since age 19 that got her work recognized. At such a young age, this chick was landing her work & getting published in mags like i-D and Vice.
  2.  Her use of light & color in both her editing and set up for shots, which really sets her work apart from others.
  3. Her hair & style. Inside and out this girl has a very unique way of expressing herself, I gotta give it to anyone who's not afraid of stepping outside the boundaries of a "normal" look . Normal is boring and this chick rocks the 70s' style hair and style.

2.The Michalaks ( Top Right )
  Youtube:  Videos 

 I've followed this family for quite a while on Youtube and as their videos have become better & better, I figured, I had to include them here. The Michalak's are a pretty cool family who make daily videos on the family's life adventures. While I am not too crazy about watching video vlogs on other people, families, in particular, this family has a unique approach to their vids. If you click the link above, I'll let the videos do the talking. I'll just say that Stef (the husband), puts a lot of thought and time into creating the video diaries for his family and they do not disappoint.

3. Sigird ( Bottom Left ) 

This chick is a new music artist, who I don't know much about, but I have a feeling she will be pretty big this year. Here's her single she dropped this year. You can hear the other version in my March 2017 Playlist below ;) 

4. My monthly Spotify playlist ( Bottom Right )
   My user ID:  https://play.spotify.com/user/1227257114 
   Link: Music

So, I've started to create monthly playlists for new music that I have recently discovered and am enjoying. I'm still adding tunes as the month continues, so feel free to follow the playlist or my Spotify account!

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