Lets begin, in no particular order...
1. Courtney Halverson ( Top Left )
IG: @prettylittlefawn
Blog: prettylittlefawn.comI stumbled across Courtney's Instagram about 3 months ago while scrolling through the explore page. What drew me to her page was not only her beautiful photography, but also the warm and consistent orange tones in every photo. Her feed is gorgeous and seems to center around the strawberry blonde tones in her hair. She is a blogger from LA and killing it with her beauty and unique style; another reason why I followed! I pretty much want to own 95 % of her wardrobe! haha! She consistently posts her OOTD's and keeps me updated on new clothing and shoe companies to check out (how snobby of me). For someone like me, who is constantly shopping online, this is a plus . Aside from her content, Courtney seems like a really sweet and down to earth chick. There are very few people I care to be updated with, but she keeps it interesting! I just recently followed her blog and am enjoying the content over on that platform as well. Check her out!
2. Jamie Windust ( Top Right )
IG: @leopardprintelephant
Blog: www.leopardprintelephant.com
I've been following Jamie for a good while now on Instagram and I must say, there's no other person who can duplicate what Jamie does. He's a Fashion student and blogger who occasionally posts on lifestyle and LGBTQ matters. If you hop onto his Instagram, you can see that Jamie has a unique and vibrant style. Not only that, but he's got a hell of a hand at makeup! I've never seen anyone who can pull off bright green eye shadow and purple hair, but yet he does so effortlessly. Jamie seems like he's a super cool dude who'd be fun to hang out with. He's definitely someone I'd also want to go out and shoot with 📷! It seems that he just doesn't give a damn about what others might think of his unique style, which is pretty awesome because in a world where people are now so quick to pass judgment and spew nasty comments online, he doesn't let the thoughts of others affect him. He wears what he likes, despite what others might say and I love that! Jamie has all the confidence I wish I had! With Jamie being as original as he is, I definitely see a lot of opportunities opening up for him.
3. Elle- May ( Bottom Left )
IG: @ellemayleckenby
Blog: www.ellemayleckenby.com
Elle's Instagram page was brought to my attention through another one of my favorite Instagramers, @1924us. She is a photographer from Australia who produces amazing work. She also uses her photo and video knowledge to create these awesome moving stills called cinemagraphs. Take a look at her page and see exactly what I am talking about. The images are somewhat like gifs, but instead, the flow of movement is made to look as if it is ongoing. I definitely took note of this and followed along her step by step video on how to create them just like she does. You can find the video here: How to Make a Cinemagraph. Besides her work, Elle is just a gorgeous gal always smiling it up in her candids and you can't help but love her! She also has a blog where she posts more on life and style. She's not just another gal who posts on her daily life happenings. Since she creates these cinemagraphs, it's as if she brings us along for a moment in her day. You're not only taking a look at the moment, but she creates a feeling as if you're actually there.
4. Ronnie Muniz ( Bottom Right )
IG: @cranchyou
Blog: ronnie-muniz.tumblr.com
I found Ronnie's page at the beginning of October and I'm glad I did. His IG page features some pretty interesting photo work . His style in photography is nothing near anything I've seen done locally. This guy's creativity is through the roof and produces some interesting work and you can find his page filled with creations of photo and video. He combines ideas with interesting subjects and creates one of a kind visuals, that one can agree is some pretty awesome art. I couldn't begin to tell you or attempt to explain the true meanings behind some of his creations, but I can admire and appreciate the creativity and work put in to create them. I love the 90s feel to his work, and also the use of candles in most of the shots. I kind of see it as a way his photo work can be recognized. On another note, I believe he is already being recognized for his work. He is already in work with several local artists, which is a great thing to see. I'm definitely interested in following this dude on his creative pursuits and feel that anyone else interested in photography should take a look at his page. I feel like I'll always have a spot on my IG Favorites for my fellow photographers.
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